Cocos Ridge, the Quepos Plateau, the Fisher Seamount, and a series of smaller seamount chains (von Huene et al., 1995)What is a sea mount? A sea mount is a mountain that rises from the ocean floor but does not reach sea level. Sea mounts typically rise from the seafloor to a range of 1,000–4,000 meters or 3,300–13,100 ft. in height. Sea mounts can be organized in sea mount chains, stand alone in some cases, or be featured into a continental plate as in the case of the Quepos Plateau, Costa Rica. Costa Rica Sea Mount Fishing charters have discovered a veritable treasure trove for deep sea fishing enthusiasts.

Costa Rica Sea Mount is Teeming with Life

Offshore of Quepos Costa Rica, the major topographical features on the Cocos plate are the Cocos Ridge, the Quepos Plateau, the Fisher Seamount, and a series of smaller seamount chains (von Huene et al., 1995)

But unlike normal continental slopes without these seamount features, deep-sea seamounts are always densely inhabited and teeming with sea life. Currents bring nutrient-rich water from the depths which are forced up the sides of the seamount. Thick with plankton these fast rising cold waters attract the bait fish (smaller feeder fish), which in turn draw large numbers of deep sea ocean predators.

It’s not just the amount of plankton in these waters but also the plethora of other marine wildlife such as cold-water corals, sponges, and sea anemones, create abundant communities on the rocky slopes of the sea mount. Here you find an uncountable number of starfish, tiny lobsters, fish, worms, etc.

What does this means for sport fishing enthusiasts: NON-STOP ACTION!

Sea Mount Fishing in Costa Rica

quepos-seamount-fishing-costa-ricaFor over two decades, big game sport fishing masters have experienced unbelievable numbers of billfish just a few miles offshore of Costa Rica Pacific coast. Sail fish, many over 100 pounds, feed on massive schools of feeder fish in the area’s amazingly calm waters – but just below the surface is some of the highest number of Pelagic fish populations on the planet.  Captains and crews continue to set single-day sailfish catch records, and if you are looking for a Grand Slam, Sea Mount Costa Rica is the place to be!

Sportfishing charters have discovered a few seamounts rising up from the depths and found a whole new blue marlin fishery 80 to 100 miles offshore on Costa Rica’s Pacific coast.

Couple this with private, artificial FADs (Fish Aggregating Devices) on the sea mounts and this has made this area of Costa Rica coastline even more prolific, with most sportfishing boats scoring double-digit blue marlin strikes daily. Captain Dan Ross a 17 year veterans in Costa Rica, recently help set a personal record  on sea mount sport fishing trip, with clients raising 54 blue marlin and releasing 31 in a single day. If you are looking for the absolute best sport fishing experience in Costa Rica, give Dan a call and he will set you and your friends up with the best boat, captain and crew available and discover for yourself why Costa Rica Sea Mount Fishing is considered to be one of the best sport fishing adventures in the world!

Dan Ross, DR Sportfishing Costa Rica
Phone: 1-888-326-7677
Costa Rica, Mobile: 8345-8346